Harbhajan Singh, the former Indian off-spinner, has commented on the recent exclusion of Sanju Samson from the squad set to face Australia and the upcoming World Cup team. According to Singh, the presence of wicketkeepers like Ishan Kishan and KL Rahul in top form makes it challenging for Samson to secure a spot.
Sanju Samson boasts an impressive ODI average of 55.71, and his absence from the lineup has stirred a debate on social media. Harbhajan stepped in to provide clarity, suggesting that while Samson's stats are commendable, the current form of Rahul and Kishan might have influenced the selectors' decision.
"Sanju Samson's exclusion has raised a lot of debates. If you average 55 in ODIs and still don't be a part of the squad, then definitely that's strange. But I think Sanju wasn't selected because India already had two wicketkeepers, KL Rahul and Ishan Kishan. Both are also a part of the World Cup squad," Harbhajan Singh said in a video on his YouTube channel.
Rahul, particularly, finds preference in ODIs, and Harbhajan would pick him over Samson. With Ishan Kishan's recent noteworthy performance against Pakistan, it further dims the prospects for Samson in the near future.
Nevertheless, Harbhajan Singh encourages Sanju Samson to persist with his efforts, remain resilient, and wait for the right opportunity to make his mark.
"Sanju will need to wait for his chance. I know it is difficult to accept sometimes and one can get disheartened. But age is on his side and I urge him to continue putting in the hard yards and wait for his time. If I have to choose between KL Rahul and Sanju Samson, I would definitely select Rahul because of the stability he provides at No.4, and No.5. Samson is also a good player and can hit sixes at will, but the situation now is such that you can't have three wicketkeeper-batters in a team. It will be difficult to field all of them in the XI," Harbhajan added.
The discourse underlines the depth of talent in Indian cricket and the tough choices selectors must make when forming the best possible squad.
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