England international Sam Billings, who was bought by Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) at the Indian Premier League (IPL) mega auction for Rs 2 crores, has lived up to expectations so far. The 30-year-old wicketkeeper-batter has notched a few knocks as KKR have begun their season brightly. Impressive with his glovework as well, Billings has sealed his spot in the KKR lineup and will want to leave his mark this season.
Billings has turned out for the erstwhile Delhi Daredevils (now Delhi Capitals) in the IPL, before moving to Chennai Super Kings (CSK). While opening up about his stint with the Chennai-based outfit, Billings said that CSK and KKR have a lot in common in terms of culture.
“Yeah, I think with the three franchises I have represented in the IPL, CSK was obviously incredibly successful. Winning the IPL and also becoming the runners-up. Two years that I really enjoyed. KKR I think have a lot of similarities with CSK in terms of the organisation and consistency on and off the field,” Billings told NDTV.
Billings also lauds the KKR head coach McCullum for the positive atmosphere in the dressing room. He believes that the former New Zealand legend instils confidence in his players and also encourages the team to play a positive brand of cricket.
“I think it plays a huge part in why both the franchises have been successful. Definitely think Brendon McCullum’s (KKR head coach) fresh positivity is something I have really enjoyed working with so far and definitely a different approach to most coaches which is really good to experience,” he said.
“The good thing is we have gotten along really well. McCullum makes you feel confident as a player. I think that is such an important thing for any coach, to make players feel valued and have the backing from him so that you can play that attacking and positive brand of cricket,” Billings added.
The Englishman has hit 80 runs in four games so far, with KKR occupying the top position in the points table. They have three wins in four matches, and the two-time champions will meet Rishabh Pant’s Delhi Capitals (DC) on Sunday (April 10) for their next challenge.