Former Indian cricketer, Gautam Gambhir has launched the new cricket tournament in Delhi. The name of the tournament will be East Delhi Premier League (EDPL) in which ten teams each from a Vidhan Sabha constituency of East Delhi will be participating.
The inaugural ceremony of the East Delhi Premier League was held on Thursday (November 18) with former India cricketer and MP, Gambhir unveiling the grand trophy and draft teams to their owners. The team jerseys were also launched. Moreover, a tournament of this magnitude is being organized for the first time at Yamuna Sports Complex.
The tournament will begin on November 30 and the winner of the tournament will be awarded the cash prize of 30 lac INR while the runner-up will get INR 20 lac.
Purpose of East Delhi Premier League
The tournament promises to provide a platform to budding talent from East Delhi, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds. It will also provide an opportunity for people of Delhi to watch day and night matches in the newly upgraded Yamuna sports complex.
"This tournament is for every player of East Delhi who was not able to showcase his talent due to lack of facilities and resources. I had promised to bring modern sports infrastructure to East Delhi during my campaign and I am proud that we have been able to deliver," Gambhir told in a release.
Furthermore, the former opener said that the tournament will give equal opportunities to the players irrespective of their backgrounds.
"Trials are being held for every player who has registered for the tournament. Your background, your gear, your equipment, nothing matters except your talent. This is the league of the masses," the former left-handed batter added.