In a turn of events, India's star all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja, who has played for Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the Indian Premier League, has removed all the posts related to his team from his Instagram account. This has fuelled the speculations that Jadeja may not play for CSK from the next season. Jadeja has won two IPL trophies with CSK, having played for the side since 2012.
Ahead of the 2022 season, Jadeja was made the new captain of CSK. But under his captaincy, the team lost six of the eight matches that they played. This poor start put the limelight on Jadeja's captaincy, and his own performances, after which he handed the reins back to MS Dhoni.
The veteran scored 116 runs in 10 innings at an average of just 20. And his bowling was not that special also, taking only five wickets for his team. 10 matches into the season, Jadeja was out of the IPL after sustaining an injury.
Fan theories on Ravindra Jadeja
Once the news about Jadeja's social media broke, fans have shared different theories, the most prominent of which is that Jadeja will not be a part of CSK next season. While an account on Twitter posted a photo editing Jadeja in a Mumbai Indians jersey, another noted that this is the first time Jadeja has not wished Dhoni for his birthday on social media.
Here are some of the reactions of the fans: