The Indian men's kabaddi team, renowned seven-time champions, kickstarted their journey at the Asian Games with a commanding 55-18 victory against Bangladesh in a group stage match on Tuesday. Eager to clinch the gold once more, after settling for a bronze in the 2018 edition, the Indian squad displayed a stellar performance, leading 24-9 by half-time.
The dynamic duo of Naveen Kumar Goyat and Arjun Deshwal showcased their raiding prowess, leading the team to its first all-out by the 12th minute. Though Bangladesh displayed some resilience by executing two supertackles against Pawan Sehrawat and Goyat in the first half, India's relentless pressure saw them building a 12-point advantage within the initial 20 minutes.
The second half of the game saw the Bangladesh team's raiding efforts being consistently thwarted by the Indians. This led to India widening the gap further, ultimately sealing the match in their favor.
However, while the men's team celebrated their triumphant start, the women's kabaddi team, silver medallists in the previous edition, faced a slight hiccup. They began their campaign with a surprising 34-34 draw against Chinese Taipei on Monday, a result that was unexpected by many.
Looking ahead in the men's kabaddi event, India is grouped with formidable teams: Bangladesh, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and Japan in Group A. Group B comprises other strong contenders, including Iran, Korea, Pakistan, and Malaysia.
This edition of the Asian Games promises to be an exhilarating journey for kabaddi enthusiasts. With the men's team already marking their strong presence and the women's team expected to bounce back, fans await edge-of-the-seat action from the Indian contingents. The teams' initial performances hint at the intense and gripping matches in store, ensuring the Asian Games will be a must-watch event for kabaddi followers worldwide.