Emotions ran high as Rohit Sharma realised his dream of winning T20 World Cup as captain. As India ended their ICC trophy drought, Rohit was down on the ground overwhelmed with emotions. As he left the field, he hugged his wife Ritika Sajdeh in the dugout. In the post-match press conference, Rohit also announced his retirement from T20Is. As the feeling of winning the World Cup sank in, Ritika posted a heartfelt note for her husband Rohit highlighting how the preparation took a toll on his heart, mind and body.
"Ro, I know what this has meant to you. This format, this cup, these men, this journey and this entire process of getting what you’ve always dreamed of. I know how hard these last few months have been for you. I know the toll it’s taken on your heart, mind and body but watching you achieve your dream was incredibly emotional and inspiring."
Ritika said she was proud of Rohit and it is sad to leave him one format of the game.
"As your wife, I am immensely proud of what you’ve achieved and the impact you’ve had on this game and the people who love it; but as someone who loves your game I’m sad to see you leave any part of it behind. I know you’ve thought long and hard about what’s best for this team but that doesn’t make watching you leave that part of it behind any easier. I love you so much and I am so incredible proud to call you mine!" said Ritika.
Rohit’s statement after T20 World Cup 2024 triumph
Rohit retired as the highest run-scorer in T20Is. He was also the highest run-scorer in the tournament for India. The 36-year-old is the only Indian player to be part of both T20 World Cup title wins.
“This was my last game as well. No better time to say goodbye. I wanted this (trophy) badly. It’s very hard to put in words,” Rohit said in the post-match press conference as he retired from T20Is alongside Virat Kohli.
“This what I wanted and it happened. I was very desperate for this in my life. Happy that we crossed the line this time,” he added.