'OTC' Roman Reigns gives a retirement hint in a cryptic message says, 'There is no Big Dog, he’s dead now'

Reigns took an extended time off from actively wrestling after losing the WWE Universal Championship last year at WrestleMania.


Varul Chaturvedi

Roman Reigns in the frame

Roman Reigns in the frame


While the meme cleverly played on a classic proverb, Reigns dismissed its deeper meaning.

The fans seemed to accept this new persona, for they had long been asking for Reigns to turn heel.

In the world of professional wrestling, loyalty and transformation are often central themes. A well-known quote about loyalty says, “If you don’t love me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best.” For Roman Reigns, WWE’s top star, this sentiment takes on a tribal twist.  

During a recent interview with IGN, Reigns and his wise advisor, Paul Heyman, explored some of the internet’s best memes dedicated to the wrestling superstar. One meme, in particular, caught Reigns’ attention:  

“If you don’t love me at my Big Dog, then you don’t deserve me at my Tribal Chief.”  



While the meme cleverly played on a classic proverb, Reigns dismissed its deeper meaning. Instead, he made a bold declaration about his past persona in WWE.  

“There is no Big Dog,” Reigns stated firmly. “He’s dead now. I don’t even see the other guy; doesn’t even exist. It didn’t happen.”  



The Rise and Fall of “The Big Dog”  
Following the breakup of The Shield in 2014, Roman Reigns embarked on a solo career that was met with mixed reactions. Promoted as “The Big Dog,” Reigns was positioned as WWE’s next top star. However, fans were vocal in their disapproval, often booing him out of arenas worldwide. Many fans preferred other stars, like Daniel Bryan, and rejected Reigns’ push as a heroic figure.  

Despite his struggles, Reigns continued to persevere, even after being diagnosed with leukemia in 2018. His battle with the disease earned him respect, but his character still failed to connect with audiences. From 2015 to 2020, Reigns faced relentless criticism, with fans pleading for WWE to turn him into a villain.  

The Birth of “The Tribal Chief”  

In 2020, so far as an account goes, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided to spend time with his family. He later returned that summer, now with Paul Heyman in tow, and the metamorphosis was complete: Reigns had embraced the dark side, now referred to as "The Tribal Chief," a dominant and calculating heel who would hold the WWE Universal Championship ransom, practically defending it at will.

The fans seemed to accept this new persona, for they had long been asking for Reigns to turn heel. And then they realized. They had, in effect, created a monster. The Tribal Chief character of Reigns became one of the most enthralling characters in wrestling, an amazing blend of the real-life struggle and fictional storylines. 

A Hero's Welcome
Reigns took an extended time off from actively wrestling after losing the WWE Universal Championship last year at WrestleMania. Weeks turned to months, and the crowd began chanting for his return, a far cry from the chorus of boos that once followed him. Reigns returned at SummerSlam to a hero's welcome, finally obtaining the respect and admiration of the audience. 

A Symbol of Perseverance
While Reigns may have left "The Big Dog" behind, everything he went through became building blocks of "The Tribal Chief." This character, as a symbol of perseverance and determination, is an inspiration from real life injected into professional wrestling. 

Along with dominating WWE, Reigns' journey serves as a constant reminder that greatness is born out of adversity and perseverance.
