In the opening Test of the two-match series, Team India picked up a dominant win over Bangladesh. The hosts after setting a target of 515 runs for the opposition to chase, restricted them to 234 runs in the second innings and won by 280 runs. Star batter Shubman Gill, on the other hand, became viral in during an incident from the match after he was seen trolling his teammate and star pacer Mohammed Siraj on the field. Gill was heard saying in the video, which has gone viral on social media, "Mohammad Siraj official ID hai, baaki ki sab fake hain. (This is Mohammed Siraj’s official ID, the rest are fake)."
The clip's context was connected to an older video that Siraj had posted to his Instagram account. Siraj created the account many years ago and shared the video in which he discussed how there were several phoney accounts out there and this is the original one.
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India to face Bangladesh in Kanpur for second Test
In relation to the current series, team India will now concentrate on the forthcoming assignments after winning the first Test. The next meeting between Bangladesh and India will take place in the Green Park in Kanpur on September 27. India, having won the first Test, will be looking to win the series if they can continue to perform well in the second Test and secure their second consecutive victory. It is also important to remember that Bangladesh and India will concentrate on the shorter formats after winning the first two Test matches. The tour will end with three Twenty20 Internationals between the two teams. On the other hand, both sides' positions in the World Test Championship table could rise as a result of the current Test series.
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